April 4, 2011

Please help Tiny!! - ADOPTED!!!

Tiny is just a puppy. Some days Tiny is able to play and roam his yard, chase his buddies, watch the winter turn to spring with longing of warm days in the sun! But there are more and more days that Tiny wakes up in the morning – and he hurts so badly that he cries out loud. His foster momma will help Tiny walk slowly and painfully into the kitchen where he is made comfortable in a warm pile of blankets so that he can watch the children in his foster home prepare for their school day. He lays quietly while he watches the other dogs run and play and wrestle with the children’s socks. Tiny’s big eyes brighten with excitement when someone comes near enough to gently touch his big head or give him a quick snuggle. Sometimes he can see a piece of toast hit the floor and watches quietly as one of the other dogs in the house swoops in to grab that morsel of food – and Tiny sighs. Tiny wants to get up and join in the chaos and he will attempt it… but it hurts so much. Later in the morning when things calm down a little bit and his pain meds kick in, Tiny will heave his soft body up off of the floor, take a few painful steps, stretch his sore muscles and slowly walk over to his foster momma and rest his large head on her lap – his gentle brown eyes will search hers – as if asking “WHY can’t I play like the other dogs in this house? Why does it seem like my life is over – instead of just beginning? I haven’t lived very long – is this really what life is about? Is it supposed to hurt this bad?” They will continue to stare at one another – while his foster momma hugs him and reassures him, “Tiny, I promise your life will not always be like this. You have an army of people fighting to help you. Please don’t give up. You ARE loved.” If tears really could heal – the tears his foster momma sheds would make things so much better for sweet Tiny. And while Tiny can feel the love of his foster and rescue family – Tiny wants nothing more than to run and play – PAIN FREE.

Tiny is a Great Pyrenees/Yellow Lab mix –he weighs 82 lbs and is only 10 months old. He is currently in rescue and is waiting to be adopted to a forever family of his very own. Please help us give this big baby the much needed hip dysplasia surgery that will give him the pain free life that most puppies and the people that love them take for granted.

Tiny wants to eat scraps of toast found on the floor, chase butterfly’s in the yard, and play tug with his children’s socks!! Please help One Dog at a Time Rescue in Warsaw, Indiana provide this puppy with everything he needs to be happy and live the rest of his life without pain. It shouldn’t hurt to play like a puppy – when you are just a puppy!

Please donate to the Help Tiny Fund. Any amount you donate will give our sweet boy the relief he so desperately needs.

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Or, you can mail checks to (Tax ID# available upon request):


PO Box 76

Warsaw, IN 46581

(please add HELP TINY FUND in the subject line of the check)

Thank you from Tiny – and from One Dog at a Time Rescue.


How small does a dog have to be, to be considered a puppy? 3 lbs? 15 lbs? How about 85 lbs!!? That’s what Tiny weighs at just 11 months of age. He is all long legs and big curiosity! But, unfortunately, due to the luck of the draw – this puppy also has severe hip dysplasia and is unlike most puppies you might know. Tiny is slow to get started in the morning. He will finally get up and romp and play gently with his foster brother and sisters. But, Tiny gets so very sore if he plays too roughly or for an extended period. He will come and lay down beside his foster momma and watch the other dogs in the house play and frolic with ease. You can see in his sad puppy eyes that he wishes he could play as hard as the others – but, already in his young life, Tiny knows he has limits. Our gentle giant (Golden/Lab/ Great Pyrenees) has SEVERE HIP DISPLASIA in both hips and mild arthritis. This sweet boy is basically living in an old dog’s body, with the spirit and spunk of the sweet puppy that he is!! Since my first email to let you know about Tiny’s issues – ODTR and Tiny have been very, very busy!! Tiny has been seen by three different veterinarians and specialists – and they all agree on one very important thing! TINY IS AN AMAZING AND WONDERFUL DOG!!! But, while some think that surgery could be the answer for Tiny’s dysplasia, another local and very respected veterinarian believes that Tiny is an excellent candidate for physical therapy and pain management therapy instead of surgery. Due to his young age and the fact that this is not a NEW development – Tiny was born this way!!! … She believes that he would do WELL with this treatment. It is strongly believed that while Tiny will always be a “special needs” kind of guy (due to his daily meds) – he can live a very long, healthy, relatively pain free life!!! That is what we want for our boy!!! One Dog at a Time Rescue and Tiny have had a POURING OUT of well wishes, offers of prayer, and donations – and because of those very things… we have been able to do everything in our power to assure ourselves (and Tiny – and potential adopters) that Tiny is going to be OK!!!! We are so thankful for the kindness and generosity that we have received on behalf of our very special young dog. Your generous donations have gone to the extraordinary veterinary care that Tiny has received. From expert consultations, x-rays, to blood tests, to laser therapy (starting next week), to medications – Tiny has received TOP NOTCH care! THANK YOU for playing a part in this!!! But our work is not done!! Tiny will continue to need his special medications and hopefully we will be able to continue offering him the therapy (whether physical therapy or laser therapy) that he would benefit from until he is safely placed in his forever home – and his new family can take over his care When Tiny finally meets his new family and settles in – One Dog at a Time Rescue will settle a new dog into Tiny’s place. We have set up an emergency medical fund called “The Tiny Medical Fund” in honor of our first “special” dog – and with continued donations we will be able to help other dogs with veterinary assistance due to medical issues that may have caused them to be euthanized without the help and care that ODTR and our generous friends could provide. One Dog at a Time Rescue is working hard to provide the care and help our special foster dogs need to become loving, healthy, and happy members of a family. Please help us by donating to The Tiny Medical Fund. Your help, generosity, and kindness will be greatly rewarded simply by knowing – YOU have made a difference in a dog’s life. YOU have been directly responsible for SAVING a dog’s life. YOU have rescued a dog from the life of sickness, pain, disease… and death.

Tiny Update - 04/15/11

How small does a dog have to be, to be considered a puppy? 3 lbs? 15 lbs? How about 85 lbs!!? That’s what Tiny weighs at just 11 months of age. He is all long legs and big curiosity! But, unfortunately, due to the luck of the draw – this puppy also has severe hip dysplasia and is unlike most puppies you might know. Tiny is slow to get started in the morning. He will finally get up and romp and play gently with his foster brother and sisters. But, Tiny gets so very sore if he plays too roughly or for an extended period. He will come and lay down beside his foster momma and watch the other dogs in the house play and frolic with ease. You can see in his sad puppy eyes that he wishes he could play as hard as the others – but, already in his young life, Tiny knows he has limits. Our gentle giant (Golden/Lab/ Great Pyrenees) has SEVERE HIP DISPLASIA in both hips and mild arthritis. This sweet boy is basically living in an old dog’s body, with the spirit and spunk of the sweet puppy that he is!!

Since my first email to let you know about Tiny’s issues – ODTR and Tiny have been very, very busy!! Tiny has been seen by three different veterinarians and specialists – and they all agree on one very important thing! TINY IS AN AMAZING AND WONDERFUL DOG!!! But, while some think that surgery could be the answer for Tiny’s dysplasia, another local and very respected veterinarian believes that Tiny is an excellent candidate for physical therapy and pain management therapy instead of surgery. Due to his young age and the fact that this is not a NEW development – Tiny was born this way!!! … She believes that he would do WELL with this treatment. It is strongly believed that while Tiny will always be a “special needs” kind of guy (due to his daily meds) – he can live a very long, healthy, relatively pain free life!!! That is what we want for our boy!!!

One Dog at a Time Rescue and Tiny have had a POURING OUT of well wishes, offers of prayer, and donations – and because of those very things… we have been able to do everything in our power to assure ourselves (and Tiny – and potential adopters) that Tiny is going to be OK!!!! We are so thankful for the kindness and generosity that we have received on behalf of our very special young dog. Your generous donations have gone to the extraordinary veterinary care that Tiny has received. From expert consultations, x-rays, to blood tests, to laser therapy (starting next week), to medications – Tiny has received TOP NOTCH care! THANK YOU for playing a part in this!!! But our work is not done!! Tiny will continue to need his special medications and hopefully we will be able to continue offering him the therapy (whether physical therapy or laser therapy) that he would benefit from until he is safely placed in his forever home – and his new family can take over his care

When Tiny finally meets his new family and settles in – One Dog at a Time Rescue will settle a new dog into Tiny’s place. We have set up an emergency medical fund called “The Tiny Medical Fund” in honor of our first “special” dog – and with continued donations we will be able to help other dogs with veterinary assistance due to medical issues that may have caused them to be euthanized without the help and care that ODTR and our generous friends could provide. One Dog at a Time Rescue is working hard to provide the care and help our special foster dogs need to become loving, healthy, and happy members of a family. Please help us by donating to The Tiny Medical Fund. Your help, generosity, and kindness will be greatly rewarded simply by knowing – YOU have made a difference in a dog’s life. YOU have been directly responsible for SAVING a dog’s life. YOU have rescued a dog from the life of sickness, pain, disease… and death.

To donate to The Tiny Medical Fund:

Odtr.org (Paypal)

Or you can mail a check to (Tax ID available upon request):


PO Box 76

Warsaw, IN 46581

(Please put “The Tiny Medical Fund” in the subject line)

Thank you so much!!! And stay tuned for more TINY UPDATES!!!!

(and I love replies... send me an email!)

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