January 26, 2011

Roscoe - Bernese Mountain Dog/Husky Mix

Roscoe is our Bernese Mountain Dog/Husky mix weighing in at 65 lbs.  We are only guessing at his heritage – because Roscoe came to us from a high kill shelter.  This great boy has so much personality!  He loves, loves, loves everyone and every dog he meets!  He is up for some fun and he also loves to cuddle.  Roscoe is housetrained, crate trained, neutered, UTD on shots – he is the perfect companion to dog buddies and home buddies alike.  Some dogs just have personality PLUS – and that is our sweet Roscoe.  When you meet this big boy – your first comment is “OH!  He is GORGEOUS!”  and then you will see beyond his looks to his fun personality.  Everyone is a friend and potential playmate.  Roscoe LOVES to be outdoors – but we will only adopt him as an indoor family dog.  He LIVES for companionship (although he does well on his own).  You would never be lonely with Roscoe around.

1 comment:

Slim said...

Can you tell me where you are located...I am interested in Roscoe! swaugh@windstream.net